Florfenicol Powder

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Product Information

  • Dosage Form:Injection
  • Route of Administration:Oral
  • Shelf Life:18 months
  • Storage:Sealed


Florfenicol Powder

Composition: Florfenicol, L Florfenicol, Telithromycin, Tullathromycin

Indication: For treatment of the infection caused by sensitive organism, viral Mycoplasma , other infectious agents in pigs

and chicken.

1.For prevention and treatment of sudden death, high fever, emaciation, lameness, coarse hair disorder, cough, dyspnea,

ears cyanosis, arthrocele caused by HPS, APP, Bb, Pasteurella Multocida, Mycoplasma Hyopneumoniae, Strepptococcus.

2.For prevention and treatment of disease symptom of blue ear, Abdominal purple, Infertility, Premature delivery, still birth ,

constipation, diarrhea, movement disorders, which caused by PRRS,PCV,SI, Paratyphoid fever and its secondary infection.

It has indirect effect on blue ear disease as well as effect on viral and bacteria mixed infection.

3.For prevention and treatment of Endometrium, Mastitis, Urethritis,MMA, which cause perinatal period disease such as

lochiorrhea, high tempreture,breat pain and distension.

4.For treatment of the respiratory diseases caused by the stress, such as high stocking density, impropriate tempreture control,

unreasonable sanitation and disinfection, seasonal variation, group transferation, change feeding, weaning, vaccination.

Administration and Dosage

 Mixed feeding administration

 100g/100kg feed, twice a day for 3-5 consecutive days. Sever double or according the advice of veterinarian.

The User Experience

1.for treatment of severe cough : Florfenicol Powder + Shuang Huang Lian Oral Liquid

2.for prevention and treatment of swine high fever : Florfenicol Powder + Shuang Huang Lian Oral Liquid + zhenyuantai

Specification: 5%

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